JavaScript Deep Utility Functions

recursiveOmit (deepObject)

Recursively omits the null, '', undefined values from the object. Checks all levels deep to remove the keys associated.

let deepObject = {
  x: {
    y: {
      z: ''  
    a: {
      b: null,
      c: undefined
    d: null
recursiveOmit(deepObject) // returns {}

deepExtend (object1, object2)

Deeply extend object1 with object2 where object1 will be target and object2 will be source.

let object1 = {
  x: {
    y: {
      z: ''  
    a: {
      b: null,
      c: undefined

let object 2 = {
  x: {
    y: {
      z: 'z',
    a: {
      b: 'b',
      c: 'c'
    d: 'd'

deepExtend(object1, object2)
/* returns {
  x: {
    y: {
      z: 'z',
    a: {
      b: 'b',
      c: 'c'
    d: 'd'
}; */

diffObject(object1, object2)

Compares object1 with object2 and returns the different key value pairs.

eg: let object1 = {
  x: 'a',
  y: 'b'

let object 2 = {
  x: 'a',
  z: 'c',

diffObject(object1, object2) 
/* returns {
  y: 'b',
  z: 'c'
}; */
